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Pérou : En mangeant des cafards, un pêcheur de 61 ans survit 94 jours en haute mer

Après avoir appareillé le 7 décembre, Maximo Napa avait été pris dans des mauvaises conditions climatiques

A 61-year-old fisherman survived 94 days at sea by eating cockroaches. The RATP was cleared of technical inspection fraud allegations. The article questions if France is as exposed to violent tornadoes as the US. A contest offers 10 zero-waste kits. It explores the health of astronauts after nine months in the IS. The EU's TikTok presence is examined. A tutorial explains how to recover deleted WhatsApp messages. It presents information about the Super Blue Moon. Discusses "backdoors" in a drug trafficking bill. Plastic pellets were found after a North Sea collision. A weather forecast predicts a temperature increase to 23°C. The article covers job opportunities, entrepreneurship, and career changes. Lists top 20 jobs paying over 2500 euros/month. Discusses the average salary in France in 2025. Mentions winter sales 2025. It shows the Loto results for Monday, March 17th. Other segments include news, TV, games, horoscope and traffic.

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